Monday, May 9, 2016


Driving to Hollywood and eating on our amazing balcony!

Today is a big day of driving. We had to get an Uber to the airport to pick up our car. Then we drove back to L.A. to go to Hollywood!

The car we have now is not nearly as cool as the first one we got. But the price was right! Here's our beast... meep meep!

It took 4 hours, which wasn't so bad! The traffic here is mental! People switch lanes without indicating and the freeways (motorway) is 6 lanes wide on one side!!!

Once we got to our hotel we headed up to the roof for dinner. The view was amazing! You could see the Hollywood sign! The place is decorated with bright colours and the food was so fresh and healthy! A real treat!

Tomorrow is 6flags!!! You know all those crazy rollercoasters you looked up... that is going to be me! You may be able to hear my screams if you listen hard!


  1. Replies
    1. What was that food yum Caleb rely

  2. Yum you are so luky

  3. Hi it looks really yum I want some too

  4. Did you really go to hollywood? Is the dinseyland that you are at in L.A? Because L.A is near Utah and just from pics of Utah I know I live Utah.

    1. I have been to Anahiem, Hollywood, and Las Vegas! Anahiem and Hollywood are in Los Angeles in California and Las Vegas is in Nevada.

  5. I mean love Utah

  6. what is the food called
